ocr: the Petition ENrhc a Summons herth giwes Familly Cour the pow er eric authornty bo he eE mrd Natee "unt, I d E bermine the Iih atber. Except tbhwew TI yu = clon"t alway - ys "hearll since ib CENT Ju I be clome by maill. Not all Petitions are answered and some are filed jointly by you and the MRS. without a response required. These are called Summary Dissolutions, cost one fee of only $102, need no court appearances and can be revoked by either a h party anytime before the 2nd final paper is filed. I inth is a aft b er E 6 mcurrith Weitinng filled WE HAUE , - period, ther it"s finished. RECONCI ...